Kodama – Princess Mononoke Series

A kodama (木魂) is a spirit from Japanese folklore, which is believed to live in certain trees.

Cutting down a tree which houses a kodama is thought to bring misfortune, and such trees are often marked with shimenawa(標縄・注連縄・七五三縄, literally “enclosing rope”) rope.

Kodama appear in the animated film Princess Mononoke, in which they are portrayed as small, white humanoids with large, rattling heads and mask-like features, similar to bobbleheads.


Awwww! These dudes are awesome! They are uber cute and they are quite simple to recreate. Because their features aren’t fixed, all you have to do is mould balls of black, in all sizes, flatten them and stick them randomly for their ‘eye’& ‘mouth’.  For the leaves, you can create shades of green, in the shape of an oval, use a pointy tool (or a toothpick) and press it gently on your leaf through the middle. Be careful of your strength! :)

The Doll Master

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